Art During Times of War
Are you having a rough week with all that is going on in our world today? Is the war in the Ukraine something that you are struggling with today? Me too!! I’ve truly struggled. And today I realized why. Its not that there has been peace in the world in recent times. There has always been issues in the Middle East for my entire life. And I don’t mean this by any means in a racist way at all, but they don’t look like me, they don’t live like me, and they have always been fighting about things that I don’t understand. But the war in the Ukraine is different. The people on both sides of this conflict look like me. The soldiers look like my boys. They have lives that look more like our western cultures - in cities, towns, homes, cars, and even landscapes and weather like ours. (OK, maybe not Florida weather, but US weather in general.) I realized that all of these factors have affected me more than I would have expected. I realized that I have truly felt so much sadness for the people who are living a life similar to mine now in the midst of war. And I find myself thinking why?? Haven’t we learned anything from the past?? Aren’t we so past all of this?? Seriously?!?!
And my sadness is not just for the Ukrainians who obviously are trying to live new, free lives and are enduring war crimes that they didn't ask for in these modern times. I also feel sadness for the Russian people who continue to find themselves under power hungry men who could care less about their lives. I feel for the poor young men who were told one thing, and then found themselves in the middle of a war that they don’t want to be fighting in either. I’m sad that the US seems to be so distracted on things that don’t matter nearly as much as life, or death, or hunger, or shelter. And I don’t want this to be about politics at all!! As a deeply feeling person, I’m just sad…
“Life beats down and crushes the soul and art reminds us that you have one.”
So how does this have to do with art? I actually feel it has so much to do with art. I feel that art helps us to feel alive and feel human. Whether we are making art or enjoying it, art brushes off the cobwebs of our everyday lives and reminds us who we are and why we are truly here. It reminds us that we are human, that we have souls, and that there can be great beauty found even in the midst of great pain. Whether we are reading the amazing tales of what is transpiring in the Ukraine or a great novel that helps our minds to escape, the art of the writing is what our souls are needing. If we are watching a movie or listening to beautiful music, we are enjoying the craftsmanship of the crafters. And if we are creating art or enjoying the beauty of an art piece, then we are living in the present - this special moment that we are given like a gift. To be present in the present is truly so important when you consider how this life can swing on dime. My art is always where I turn to find and create beauty in this time in which we find ourselves. This time that seems to be groaning through troubles of disease, political unrest, financial struggles and now war. I need all these things so desperately. My weapon during these times are two-fold - a paint brush and prayer. The paint brush is more for me on the daily, but my prayers are for all those that are stirring up these feelings inside of me. I pray for both sides, because I know that God doesn’t have a side. And I hope you will join me too!!